Registration For Provisional Membership 

Take a look at the membership page< to learn about the benefits of joining the club.
To understand our approach to privacy and your personal information, take a look at our Privacy Policy

  • Fill in application below and we’ll send you an invoice for the provisional membership fee.

    On payment we will grant you access to the website where you can login and browse upcoming and past club trips.

    With your provisional membership, you’ll be able to attend up to three trips to decide if the club is right for you.

    After you’ve got to know the club, if you choose to apply for full membership and you’re accepted into the club, we’ll then invoice you a one-off joining fee and the remaining annual fees due for the membership type you choose.

    The membership year runs from 1 July to 30 June and if you join part way through the year, your first year fees may be discounted.

    Once payment is received your account will be activated and you will be able to login to the members area of the website.

  • Member Details

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Address

  • Username

  • Provisional
  • Enter Number

  • Emergency Contact

  • About You

  • Family Membership (if applicable)

  • If you intend to take out a Family membership then please include your other drivers details below.

    Leave blank if seeking an Individual membership

  • Member Declaration

  • I, the person named above and of address listed within this form, desire to become a Member of the Everest 4WD Club of Victoria Inc. By ticking this box, I am digitally signing that in the event of my admission as a Member, I agree to be bound by the Rules of the Association and the rules of organisations the club is affiliated to for the time being in force.

